Hope of Family, NGO based in Muhanga District has been helping vulnerable residents by giving them pigs along with construction of their pigsties, on 2nd November 2020, This Organization donated pigs to 16 poor families as a support to improve their lives. Recently Hope of Family donated pigs to other vulnerable families.
Some of the beneficiaries said that they expect a boom in their daily incomes to end their total dependence on the NGO.
“I can testify that the pig I was given will wean me from total dependence on Hope for Family. For example, I’ll be affording health insurance because I’ll be earning from my pig project” Costasie Mukankusi said.
“I will afford clothing for myself, I can even visit child at school, and I’ll get manure and increase the productivity of my crops. There is a lot I expect from this pig” Gerturde Mukamurenzi said. “
Hope of Family has done a good thing form. I will also pass on the opportunity to others by sharing the piglets” Theogene said.
Prior to the pig project, Hope of Family has been supporting families with cattle, health insurance, hygiene and sanitation equipment and construction of houses for those whose houses were devastated by disasters and foodstuffs during COVID-19 pandemic.
Emmanuel MFATENEZA, Executive Director of Hope of Family said that, The pig project comes to help these families start self reliance and improve their livelihood.
"Hope for Family says the pigs were thought of as multipurpose animals to rear and increase productivity in crop husbandry such that the families can get boosted in both incomes and food productivity. He said.
It is expected that families will in the near future be able to maintain their children at school, with enough scholastic materials, school fees and help them study well.
Hope of Family organization is a local NGO based in Muhanga District whose primary goal is to promote parental involvement in their children education while improving families’socio-economic status. Families and Hope of Family staff agree on the contract terms to sign in order to effectively support their children and raise their school performance. Parents agree to visit their children on the weekly basis, provide more after-school time for their revision, respond sooner to teacher’s or any other school leader’ invitation to discuss about the child’s learning. Hope of Family supports families that live in rural area, southern province of Rwanda.
This organization targets low-income families identified alongside with the local administration for the timeline of two years: Hope of Family staff work tirelessly to encourage parents about the importance of school and why imperative for parents to maximize the aid opportunity in the interest of their successful children’s education. These families must have children who are primary school students.